
Monday, January 18, 2016

Critics New Year's Resolutions

I'm sitting here, looking at my "to write" list of articles and reviews I need to either write or finish writing.  Working on this blog is not on the list, so naturally I'm going to put all the other stuff off to work on this.  I'm not certain this is going to be a long post (or even a very deep post), but since it is officially 2016 I  decided it would be a good idea to make a public record of goals I want to accomplish by the end of the year.  These aren't things like "I plan to eat better" because I can tell you right now I have no plans on that, but these are projects I want to see through to the end and hopefully having a public statement of those things will hold my feet to the fire and actually get them done.  So, because I have real work I need to do, here are what New Years Resolutions for this film critic looks like:

  • Finish writing reviews on backlogged list - I keep a list of reviews that I need to write, and currently I am fifteen reviews behind schedule.  I would like to eliminate that list and get it down to zero by March.
  • Weekly YouTube uploads - This one I'm already doing a good job on, but YouTube has become important for my editorial and writing, so I want to keep that channel up to date and have new content every week.
  • Reopen The Comic Book - Believe it or not, I still get the occasional e-mails from readers who want to know what happened to my comic book review site.  It's been a few years since the site went down, but it might be time to review the site.  The blogosphere has no shortage of nerd news and commentary sites, but I think comic book fans yearn for sites that cut out the pandering garbage and get down to debating the actual merits of visual literature, and maybe it's time for The Comic Book to make a comeback!
  • Redesign The Movie - In 2017 The Movie will be celebrating it's 10th anniversary.  That is a long time to be doing something (though in all fairness, a year or two was taken off here and there).  The thing is, in all that time the website has only gotten one redesign.  How the site looks has never been a huge concern as there are only so many ways to project a review, but having a more modern site with comments and RSS is long overdue.  Since YouTube has become a huge part of what I de these days, the site redesign is going to be a priority, and I hope to have it done by January 1st, 2017!
Alright, that's all I'm going to commit to at the moment.  As you can see, these are long term goals that I'm going to be working on.  Who knows if everything will come to fruition, but we have to make the plans before anything can happen.  Hopefully I will have more updates on these projects soon, so keep an eye on this space!


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